Deepen your inner balance and nourish your body, mind and soul.
We are constantly updating and adding to the programme.
In which language is the program conducted and which language is being translated:
CS: in Czech
EN: in English
CS/EN: in Czech with translation into English
EN/CS: in English with translation into Czech
The Quantum Power of the Mind
CS/EN | tALK | Program for everybody
Do you know how our mind works? How our consciousness influences our subconscious? Have you ever wondered how our brain functions? Pavel will guide you through the principles of Quantum Therapy and show you how to harness the power of your mind to create life changes. You will learn practical techniques that will allow you to unlock your potential and create the life you desire.
We all know the power of our minds. We've heard about positive thinking. Affirmations. Prayer. Maybe you've read the book The Secret.
Why do these mind-work principles sometimes work and sometimes not? Why do we often fail to fulfill our desires and translate them into the ordinary reality of life?
We will explore how to use the latest findings in quantum mechanics along with the insights of alternative methods and Western medicine to work on ourselves.
Pavel Vondrášek (CZ)
Aboriginal Dreamtime Stories
EN/CS | Storytelling | Program for everybody
Dreamtime stories were gifted and passed on through telling the stories and dancing them, through traditional art and songs, and through the ceremonies and rituals passed on from generation to generation.
The stories represent the beginning of time, the time of the Never-Never, when the Ancestral Spirits moved over the land, creating life and all the important physical formations of the land.
First Nation Elder Wiruungga Dunggiir is inviting you into the circle around the sacred fire.
Wiruungga Dunggiirr (AUS)