Introductory Provisions
1.1 These visitor rules are guidelines issued by Healing Festival s.r.o., Úvoz 492/27, Brno, 60200, IČO: 17070929, DIČ: CZ17070929, registered in the business register of Brno-město, contact email: (hereinafter referred to as the "operator" or "organizer"), which determine the basic binding rules for persons entering the premises of the Healing Festival 2025 and using the facilities located within the festival area (hereinafter referred to as "visitor rules").

1.2 The purpose of the visitor rules is to ensure the protection of safety, fire protection, hygiene, health, and property at Healing Festival 2025, as well as to secure ideal conditions for all events (hereinafter referred to as "events") that will be part of Healing Festival 2025. The aim of the visitor rules is also to ensure a pleasant social atmosphere in the Healing Festival 2025 area.

1.3 For the purposes of these visitor rules, the Healing Festival 2025 area refers to the visibly bounded premises of the operator in Světlá nad Sázavou. For the public, the Healing Festival 2025 area will be open from August 6, 2025, from 12:00 PM to August 10, 2025, until 10:00 PM.

1.4 The Healing Festival 2025 area is visibly bounded by a fence, and entry to the area is possible only with a valid ticket or other designation determined by the operator. By purchasing a ticket and/or presenting a ticket upon entry to the area and/or entering the event within the Healing Festival 2025 area, each visitor agrees to the conditions set forth in these visitor rules, and at the moment of entry into the Healing Festival 2025 area, these visitor rules become binding for each visitor for the entire duration of their stay. For the purposes of these visitor rules, a visitor and/or the public refers to any person entering the Healing Festival 2025 area, including media representatives and technical personnel.

1.5 The provisions of these visitor rules apply equally to persons entering the Healing Festival 2025 area based on a special contractual relationship with the operator and/or its contractual partners.

Healing Festival 2025 Area
2.1 By purchasing a ticket or receiving an identification wristband, a contract for participation in Healing Festival 2025 is concluded between the visitor and the organizer Healing Festival s.r.o., Úvoz 492/27, Brno, 60200, IČO: 17070929, DIČ: CZ17070929, registered in the business register of Brno-město. Each festival visitor will receive an identification wristband upon presenting their ticket when entering the festival, which authorizes them to enter the area and replaces the ticket. A ticket means both a printed ticket and an electronic ticket (e-ticket).

Each person in the Healing Festival 2025 area is required to wear the identification wristband and/or other document authorizing their stay in the area throughout their stay and to prove their authorization to stay in the area upon request by the organizer's staff and/or authorized person and/or security service without delay. Anyone who cannot prove their authorization to stay in the Healing Festival 2025 area may not be allowed entry to the Healing Festival 2025 area and/or may be removed from the Healing Festival 2025 area. Visitors and the public may enter the Healing Festival 2025 area, or its appropriately designated zones, only with the operator's consent, only during visiting hours, and only in accordance with the conditions set out in these visitor rules. Any complaints can only be made before entering the area.

2.2 Supervision of compliance with and respect for these visitor rules in the Healing Festival 2025 area is carried out by properly designated operator employees and other persons authorized and properly designated by the operator, and within the scope of their legal powers, also by the Police of the Czech Republic and the Municipal Police of Světlá nad Sázavou.

2.3 Persons under the influence of alcohol or other addictive and intoxicating substances, as well as persons whose behavior endangers the safety and/or health of persons and/or property in the Healing Festival 2025 area, lose their authorization to stay in the Healing Festival 2025 area and may not be allowed entry to the Healing Festival 2025 area and/or may be removed from the Healing Festival 2025 area by the organizer's staff and/or authorized person and/or security service. Similarly, persons who violate the rules set out in these visitor rules and/or persons who do not respect the instructions of the organizer's staff and/or authorized persons may not be allowed entry to the Healing Festival 2025 area and/or may be removed from the Healing Festival 2025 varea.

2.4 Persons who are not allowed entry to the Healing Festival 2025 area and/or are removed from the Healing Festival 2025 area under these visitor rules are not entitled to a refund of the admission fee or other costs incurred for entry and participation in Healing Festival 2025. The organizer may also restrict or completely prohibit entry to the Healing Festival 2025 area for such persons.

2.5 The sale of tobacco and alcoholic products is prohibited in the Healing Festival 2025 area.

Visitor Obligations
3.1 Visitors to Healing Festival 2025 are obliged to behave in the area in such a way that their actions do not endanger the safety and/or health of third parties and/or their property, as well as the facilities located in the Healing Festival 2025 area, and further to ensure that their behavior does not limit, endanger, or disturb other visitors beyond the extent appropriate to the circumstances arising from the course of Healing Festival 2025.

3.2 Visitors to Healing Festival 2025 are obliged to follow the instructions and orders of the organizer's staff and/or persons authorized by the organizer and/or the security service, as well as the instructions and orders of the Police of the Czech Republic, the Municipal Police of Ostrava, the Fire Rescue Service of the Vysočina Region, and the Medical Rescue Service of the Vysočina Region.

3.3 Visitors to Healing Festival 2025 are obliged to respect the rules arising from these visitor rules, generally binding legal regulations, as well as rules of decent behavior and good manners.

3.4 Visitors to Healing Festival 2025 are prohibited from bringing the following items into the Healing Festival 2025 area:

a) racist, defamatory, vulgar, or other materials contrary to good manners;
b) weapons of any kind, as well as all objects usable as cutting, stabbing, or striking weapons or other objects that could endanger safety, health, or life (e.g., scissors, etc.);
c) sprays, corrosive, flammable (e.g., perfumes in containers over 200 ml), explosive, coloring, or other health-threatening substances;
d) fireworks/rockets, flares, smoke bombs, and other pyrotechnic items or launch devices;
e) alcoholic beverages and/or addictive and intoxicating substances;
f) materials promoting a political party or movement, or any politically oriented materials; g) excessive luggage and baggage, bicycles;
h) recording devices, film cameras, and video cameras, professional and semi-professional cameras, and SLR cameras.

The operator or authorized persons, especially the security service supervisor and/or their superiors, have the right to decide on the danger and/or inappropriateness of individual items brought by visitors into the Healing Festival 2025 area. Inspection may be conducted at the entrance to the area or anytime after the visitor enters the Healing Festival 2025 area.

Visitors may be asked by the operator or authorized person to deposit inappropriate items or excessive baggage in the Healing Festival 2025 storage. The decision of these persons is binding for the visitor. The operator does not guarantee sufficient storage capacity and permanent possibility to deposit inappropriate and prohibited items in this storage.

3.5 Visitors to Healing Festival 2025 are obliged to allow the operator's staff and/or persons authorized by the operator to inspect the brought items and luggage to control compliance with the previous provision. If a visitor refuses to undergo an inspection according to this provision, they may not be allowed entry to the Healing Festival 2025 area and/or may be removed from the Healing Festival 2025 area.

3.6 Visitors to Healing Festival 2025 agree to undergo a security inspection to control compliance with these visitor rules, both luggage and personal inspection by the operator's staff and/or persons authorized by the operator and/or security service upon entering the Healing Festival 2025 area. If a visitor refuses to undergo a security inspection, they may not be allowed entry to the Healing Festival 2025 area and/or may be removed from the Healing Festival 2025 area.

3.7 Visitors to Healing Festival 2025 are further prohibited from:

a) displaying, distributing, or publicly promoting racist, defamatory, vulgar, or other materials contrary to good manners, and/or inciting others to such actions;
b) promoting any political party or movement, or any product or service;
c) climbing or entering any structures and facilities in the area, especially facades, fences, walls, barriers, lighting devices, trees, poles, roofs, barriers, support structures, etc.;
d) entering areas not intended for the public and marked as inaccessible for these purposes;
e) throwing any objects into areas where visitors are present, especially into stage and audience areas;
f) making any sound or video recordings for commercial purposes or photographing any performances with professional and semi-professional cameras and SLR cameras without prior written consent of the operator;
g) starting a fire, lighting or detonating any pyrotechnics;
h) moving or otherwise manipulating equipment and/or facilities located in the area;
i) tamper with water, electricity, air supply systems, or any other installations on the premises in any way;
j) damage any equipment or facilities located on the premises, including park trees and grasses; k) deface, affix stickers, or paint on any equipment, facilities, or pathways on the premises;
l) relieve oneself outside of designated toilet facilities, or otherwise pollute the premises;
m) enter the premises without prior approval or instruction from the operator and/or a person authorized by them;
n) threaten violence and/or commit violence against an individual and/or group of people and/or incite others to such behavior;
o) sell tickets or any goods without permission; p) distribute or place any promotional or advertising materials within the festival area without written permission from the organizer.

3.8 Visitors are not authorized to conduct any business or similar activity within the Healing Festival 2025 grounds without prior written consent from the operator and/or contrary to the terms of such consent, nor distribute and/or sell any items, including newspapers, magazines, publications, advertising brochures, etc., nor store any items within the Healing Festival 2025 grounds.

3.9 Participants attend the festival solely at their own risk, are responsible for any damage they cause, and acknowledge that removing their identification wristband voids the contract and they are not entitled to re-enter the festival.

3.10 For safety reasons, festival participants agree to:

a) provide reasonable personal assistance in the event of a fire, natural disaster, or other emergency, unless it exposes them or close persons to serious danger or another important circumstance prevents it, and to provide necessary material assistance.
b) discard ash and cigarette butts only in designated containers and exercise caution when lighting tobacco products (matches, lighters).
c) refrain from smoking inside tents and in areas marked with "No Smoking" signs.
d) not damage installed safety markings.
e) not damage or otherwise restrict the use of installed portable fire extinguishers.
f) not damage or otherwise restrict the use of hydrant systems or other fire safety devices.
g) not damage or interfere with installed electrical devices in any way.
h) not damage or otherwise restrict the use of control elements of installed technical devices (electrical device distribution boxes, main switches, main water shut-off valves, etc.).
i) follow the instructions of the event organizer, fire prevention team members, security, or emergency services members in the event of a fire alarm.

3.11 Pouring into self-brought cups and serving food in personal dishes is at one's own risk for hygiene reasons.

Liability for Damage
4.1 The organizer is not liable for property or health damage to festival participants unless such damage is caused by the organizer’s violation of legal regulations and is directly related to that violation. The organizer's liability for damage is limited to the amount corresponding to the ticket price purchased by the participant. The operator is not liable to the festival participant for damage resulting from being denied entry to or being expelled from the festival grounds due to violation of obligations under these visitor rules (especially violations under Article 2.1, 2.3, or 3 of these rules).

4.2 Visitors, especially the elderly or those with physical disabilities, must move carefully on smooth and uneven surfaces to avoid injury. The organizer is not responsible for injuries caused by visitors' own carelessness or non-compliance with visitor rules.

4.3 Visitors must hand over any items found in the Healing Festival 2025 area to the operator and/or a person authorized by the operator and/or security service. If visitors find any suspicious items or items that could endanger property, lives, and/or health of third parties, they must immediately inform the operator and/or authorized persons, security service. Each visitor is liable to the operator and/or any third party for damage caused by violating these rules and/or other binding legal regulations.

4.4 The operator has the right to request the return of any item that caused injury and/or damage to the operator and/or any third party.

4.5 Visitors must inform the operator and/or security service of any injuries and/or damages in the Healing Festival 2025 area.

4.6 In case of evacuation of the Healing Festival 2025 area or other emergency situations, visitors must follow the "Fire Alarm Directive and Evacuation Plan" of the area and follow the instructions of the operator and/or persons authorized by the operator, security service, and/or emergency services members. The Fire Alarm Directive is an integral part of these rules.

Other Provisions
5.1 The organizer processes some personal data of visitors as the data controller in accordance with Article 4(7) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation). Comprehensive information on the processing of personal data at Healing Festival 2025, including the purposes of individual processing activities, legal bases, data recipients, and visitor rights as data subjects, is available on the website and at the festival venue.

5.2 By entering the Healing Festival 2025 area, visitors consent, without further notice, to the free use of their image or likeness as part of any visual recording, transmission, or production of the event held at the Healing Festival 2025 area for commercial or promotional purposes, in accordance with § 84 of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, for the entire or part of the event held at the Healing Festival 2025 area by the organizer and/or its contractual partners. This consent is granted for an indefinite period, and visitors may revoke it, but if this revocation is not justified by a significant change in circumstances or another reasonable reason, the visitor is liable for any damage caused by revocation in accordance with § 87(2) of the Civil Code. The processing of personal data in the use of visual recordings of visitors is governed by the information on personal data processing in the previous paragraph.

5.3 Visitors to Healing Festival 2025 acknowledge that sound and/or visual recordings may be made within the festival area for press, radio, television, or similar news reporting purposes. Visitors acknowledge that such recordings do not require their consent under § 89 of the Civil Code, provided they are used reasonably and not in conflict with their legitimate interests.

Final Provisions
6.1 The rules set out in these visitor regulations may be supplemented by rules related to specific events held at Healing Festival 2025. These supplementary rules will always be appropriately published at the Healing Festival 2025 area or available from the operator or security service, and visitors are obliged to comply with them. 6.2 Annex No. 1: Fire Alarm Directive is an integral part of these visitor regulations. 6.3 These visitor regulations take effect on 1 August 2024. 6.4 Rights and obligations not explicitly regulated in these visitor regulations are governed by generally applicable legal regulations, particularly Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended and in force. 6.5 The organizer reserves the right to change these visitor regulations at any time. 6.6 Important telephone numbers:

Emergency line 112

Medical service + 420 731 051 151

Operating hours of the medical service during the festival:

Wednesday 6 August 2025 12:00 – 22:00

Thursday 7 August 2025 8:00 – 22:00

Friday 8 August 2025 8:00 – 23:30

Saturday 9 August 2025 8:00 – 00:30

Sunday 10 August 2025 8:00 – 20:00


Brno, 1 August 2024 Mgr. Martin Čech, Ph.D., Alog. Managing Director