Terms and Conditions

Introductory provisions

  1. These Terms and Conditions further define and specify, in accordance with Section 1751(1) of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Czech Civil Code, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Civil Code"), the mutual rights and obligations of the parties in connection with the purchase of online courses and ebooks.
  2. All contractual relations are concluded in accordance with the legal order of the Czech Republic. All information, terms and conditions or content of videos are provided in Czech language. If the contracting party is a consumer, relations not governed by the purchase contract, these terms and conditions or the terms and conditions referred to in the purchase contract or the terms and conditions are governed by the Civil Code and Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on Consumer Protection, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Consumer Protection Act").
  3. The provider of the subject of purchase (seller) is Bc. Magdaléna Dvořáková, Úvoz 492/27, Brno, 60200, IČO: 04286065.

Contact e-mail: magdalena@healingfestival.eu

  1. The customer of the object of purchase (buyer) is the person who buys the object of purchase through the provider's web portal. Only a consumer over the age of 18 can be a Purchaser.
  2. A consumer is a natural person who, when concluding and performing a contract, is not acting in the course of his or her business or profession.
  3. User means a legal person to whom the object of purchase will be made available for personal use, which person may be different from the customer. The Customer is obliged to ensure that the User is familiar with the terms and conditions as well as the conditions of handling and use of the object of purchase, including health warnings and instructions, and to comply with them to the extent applicable.
  4. The object of purchase is a product of intellectual property, the author of which is the provider, who also exercises the proprietary copyrights to the object of purchase. It is prohibited to distribute it in any way or to make it available to third parties without the consent of the provider (author).

Health warnings and disclaimers

  1. Each user uses the object of purchase at his own risk.
  2. The Provider shall not be liable for any direct or indirect pecuniary or non-pecuniary damage arising in connection with the use of the object of purchase, including its use in violation of the rules, instructions or warnings contained in these terms and conditions, contained in videos or published on the website www.healingfestival.eu.
  3. By entering into the Purchase Agreement, the Customer accepts that any use of information from the subject of purchase and any successes or failures resulting therefrom are solely in the hands of the Customer or the User and the Provider shall not be liable for them.


  1. The Customer declares that he/she has read all the information concerning the order.
  2. The Customer orders the object of purchase by filling in the electronic order form via the website www.healingfestival.eu. The Customer is obliged to check and, if necessary, correct the order before sending it. The Provider shall be entitled to rely on the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the data provided in the order and shall not be liable for false, incorrect or incomplete data.
  3. The sent order is legally binding for the customer. Acceptance of the order by the Provider will be confirmed to the Customer by an e-mail message sent to the e-mail address provided by the Customer in the order form. The Provider is not obliged to accept the Customer's order, in which case the Provider shall inform the Customer of this fact in an appropriate manner and shall promptly return the already received monetary performance to the Customer. The confirmation of the order by the provider shall create mutual rights and obligations for the buyer and the seller, i.e. the provider undertakes to provide the subject of purchase to the customer and the customer undertakes to pay the purchase price. The Provider's obligation to provide the object of purchase is conditional upon payment of the purchase price of the object of purchase in accordance with these Terms and Conditions. The moment of payment of the purchase price is the crediting of the relevant amount to the Provider's bank account and, in the case of payment by card, the moment of payment of the purchase price through the relevant payment gateway. Failure to use the digital content made available or part thereof shall not entitle the Customer to a refund of the purchase price or part thereof.
  4. The Customer is duly informed of these terms and conditions well in advance of the order. By placing an order, the Customer confirms that he/she has read these terms and conditions and that he/she agrees to them. These terms and conditions, which are also published on the provider's website, are an integral part of the purchase contract, which is concluded by the acceptance of the completed and submitted order by the provider.

Purchase price, tax document

  1. In the order summary and on the website www.healingfestival.eu you will find all current prices of the subject of purchase and other services, including any applicable fees. The prices of the subject of purchase and other services are subject to change by the provider, provided that the prices indicated therein shall apply to the customer at the time of ordering and for as long as the relevant digital content is made available.
  2. Invoice: With regard to payments made on the basis of the Purchase Agreement, the Provider issues a tax invoice to the Customer, which serves as proof of the purchase of the Purchased Item.

Terms of delivery of products (e-books and video courses)

  1. THE METHOD OF DELIVERY OF THE PRODUCT. If you purchase an ebook, the digital content in .docx or .pdf format (e-book) or a link to download or launch it will be delivered after payment of the purchase price to the email address you provided in the order.
  2. SUPPLY LEVEL. The length of the delivery time depends on the payment method chosen. If payment is made by regular bank transfer, the product will be delivered within 3 working days after the payment is credited to my bank account. If payment is made online by credit card or fast online transfer, the product will be delivered immediately after payment is made. Unless a different date is specified for the course, which you are aware of in advance.
  3. TRANSPORTATION COSTS. Due to the nature of the products, no transportation costs are incurred.
  4. Upon delivery of the product, please check the functionality and availability of the content as soon as possible, and if you find any deficiencies or defects, please contact me so that I can make corrections.
  5. To be fully functional, the digital content (video course and ebook) requires that you have the hardware and software to open and work with .docx and .pdf documents and play video and audio files.


  1. Methods of payment: by credit card online; by bank transfer on the basis of the invoice sent with the account number and variable symbol;
  2. Payment by card: Payment methods are connected to the pays.cz s.r.o. payment gateway, which provides secure technology for accepting credit cards and online bank transfers. Payment card numbers, credit card numbers and e-banking passwords are entered via pays.cz s.r.o.'s secure and trusted channel.
  3. Form of payment: payment is possible in one lump sum or repeatedly.
  4. If the purchase price is not paid in full and on time, the Provider shall have the right to withdraw from the purchase contract and the obligation under the purchase contract shall terminate without further justification. The provider shall not be obliged to return payments received up to that time to the customer.


  1. In the event that the object of purchase does not comply with the purchase contract, the relevant provisions of the Civil Code shall apply.
  2. The Customer is entitled to exercise the rights arising from defective performance through the contacts (e-mail or address) specified in these terms and conditions or on the web address www.healingfestival.eu.

Termination of contract

  1. If the purchase contract is concluded by means of distance communication (online shop), the buyer has the right to terminate the contract within 14 days of receipt of the goods without giving reasons, provided that he is a consumer according to § 1829 paragraph 1 of the Czech Civil Code. The withdrawal from the purchase contract must be sent to the seller within the period specified in the previous sentence. The seller is obliged to reimburse the buyer the amount fully corresponding to the price of the goods and the costs paid for their delivery within 14 days of the withdrawal from the contract, in the same way as the payment was received from the buyer.
  2. The buyer, who is a consumer, acknowledges that the purchase contract cannot be terminated for the reasons set out in Section 1837 of the Czech Civil Code. The right of termination may not be exercised, inter alia, in contracts for the supply of digital content if it has not been delivered on a tangible medium or in contracts for the provision of services, in both cases provided that the performance has been effected with the prior express consent of the purchaser before the expiry of the withdrawal period. The buyer hereby expressly consents to the digital content being delivered or the service being provided to him before the expiry of the cancellation period.

User account

  1. Security: access to the user account is secured with a username and password.
  2. The Customer is obliged to maintain confidentiality regarding the information necessary to access its user account and acknowledges that the Seller shall not be liable for any breach of this obligation by the Customer.
  3. Responsibility for website content: the website may be updated without prior notice.

Privacy Policy

  1. The buyer agrees that the personal data provided will be processed and stored by the seller in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (No. 101/2000 Coll.) for the purpose of fulfilling the subject of the contract. The Buyer has the right to be informed of what data the Seller records about him and is entitled to change such data or to object to its processing in writing. Supervision of the protection of personal data is exercised by the Office for Personal Data Protection.
  2. The processing of the buyer's personal data is governed by the Privacy Policy, which is available at: https://healingfestival.eu/obchodni-podminky-en/
  3. The Seller is entitled to send its own commercial communications to the Buyer only until the Buyer informs the Seller that it wishes to discontinue the communication.
  4. The purchaser may make this communication to the electronic address obtained in connection with the performance of the contract without incurring any costs.

Dispute Resolution

  1. Mutual disputes between the provider and the client are resolved by the general courts.
  2. The Provider shall inform the Customer, who is a consumer, of the possibility of resolving a dispute between the Provider and the Customer out of court. The entity for out-of-court resolution of consumer disputes is the Czech Trade Inspection Authority with its registered office in Prague 2, Štěpánská 567/15, Postal Code 120 00, coi.cz. The consumer has the right to an out-of-court settlement of a consumer dispute arising from a purchase contract.
  3. The Czech Trade Inspection Authority (coi.cz) supervises compliance with obligations under the Consumer Protection Act.

Final provisions

  1. These terms and conditions shall come into force on 16 March 2021.
    Information is communicated via the website www.healingfestival.eu or other information channels.
  2. The Provider is entitled to change these terms and conditions to a reasonable extent, especially due to changes in legislation. Each new version of the Terms and Conditions will be published on the Provider's website before its effective date. This provision does not affect the rights and obligations arising during the period of validity of the previous version of the Terms and Conditions. The Customer is entitled to refuse changes to the Terms and Conditions before the effective date of the new Terms and Conditions by delivering an e-mail or written notification via the contact details provided in these Terms and Conditions or published on the Provider's website. Under similar conditions, the Customer shall also have the right to terminate the contract with the Client by giving one month's notice. The right according to the previous sentence does not apply to minor changes or changes caused by a change in legislation. If the customer validly refuses to change the terms and conditions, the relationship shall continue to be governed by the existing terms and conditions. Otherwise, all orders shall always be governed by the current version of the terms and conditions.