Art is Life.Life is Art.
We warmly invite you to the opening of the new Art Stage: HEAVEN OF ART!
Come and enjoy the new stage, which is making its debut at the festival this year. We have prepared a program for you with artists who will christen and introduce the Art Stage.
Opening of the Art Stage
Wednesday, August 7, 19:45-22:00
Adam Mauré a Angelina Madrová
Band Easymaya
Art stage will be introduced by theatre director and choreographer Adéla Stodolová and Monika Amaee, programme author of Art stage
Welcome to Art stage HEAVEN OF ART!
We are excited to introduce this new stage where you will have the opportunity to experience the power of art and artistic expression.
Why are we opening the Art Stage?
We believe that art has the power to heal and inspire, and that it is an important tool in our journey towards self-development and self-knowledge. Through artistic expression, we encounter our inner creative power, which enriches our lives.
For us, creating means being in touch with our soul, listening to our heart's desires and realizing our potential. And this philosophy is at the heart of Art Stage. We want to help everyone who visits Art Stage to open up their inner artist and support anyone who feels drawn to artistic expression. We believe that an artistic view of the world is the key to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.
At Art Stage, you can look forward to inspiring encounters with actors, circus artists, visual artists, comedians, in short, people who live for art, and enjoy a wide range of workshops, performances, stand up comedy, open mike and other activities to help you discover and develop the artist in you.
Let's explore the magic of art and its transformative power together. We believe that everyone has an artist in them - let's discover it together on the Art Stage!
Most of the program at art stage will be led in the Czech language.
Art stage opening “Světlo v nás”
Art Show - Healing through art
Concert of original songs
The Artist's Way 1 - Open Your Heart
The Artist's Way 2 - Treasure in the Deep
LaClara - "Moments" (aerial hoop)
Preview from the performance Obnažena
The Artist's Way 3 - Flow
Open atelier
As part of our support for the arts, we have made space for a living gallery and sales exhibition of our artists. Works will be displayed on individual podiums and you can purchase them at the festival or pre-order now.
"Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life."
- Pablo Picasso
Název: Reborn to be Nature
Autor: Nature Sacred Art
Medium: Olej na lněném plátně
Rozměr: 90x120cm
Cena: 4.700 EUR
Název: Ochrana Draka // Protection of the Dragon
Autorka: ELLINOR
Rozměr: 100x80 cm
Medium: Combined technique - acrylic and pastel on canvas.
Cena: 16.000,- CZK
Title: Vlčí volání "Zrození divokých žen a moudrost LA LOBY." // Wolf Calling "Birth of Wild Women and the Wisdom of LA LOBA."
Dimension: 100x100cm
Price: 16.000,- CZK
Title: Do hlubin "Setkání se se svým stínem v hlubinách moře /kosatky/" // Into the Depths "Meeting Your Shadow in the Depths of the Sea /Orcas/"
Dimension: 120x90 cm
Price: 13.000,- CZK
Title: Lehkost bytí "Odlehčení mysli s medúzami." // Lightness of Being "Easing the Mind with Jellyfish."
Dimension: 120x60cm
Price: 12.000,- CZK
"Duchovní průvodce v podobě modrého jelena." // KAUYUMARI "Spiritual Guide in the Form of a Blue Deer."
Dimension: 120x90 cm
Price: 16.000,- CZK
Title: Propojení žen "Svět potřebuje ženy, které jsou samy sebou.“ // Connection of Women "The world needs women who are themselves."
Dimension: 120x120cm
Price: 15.000,- CZK
Title: OM orison
Author: Martina Konvička ART
Dimension: 200x200 cm
Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Price: 70.000,- CZK
Title: Second chakra
Author: Martina Konvička ART
Dimension: 200x200 cm
Medium: Acrylic, pigment in dust on canvas
Price: 70.000,- CZK
Title: Roots
Author: Martina Konvička ART
Dimension: 160x200 cm
Medium: Mix media - acrylic, fluorescent oil pastel, charcoal, gloss varnish
Price: 60.000,- CZK
Title: Yogi inner fire
Author: Martina Konvička ART
Dimension: 160x200 cm
Medium: Mix media - akryl, fluorescent oil pastel, pastel on black canvas, fixed
Price: 60.000,- CZK
Title: Ganéša // Ganesha
Author: Angelína
Dimension: 100x100 cm
Medium: Acrylic on canvas, UV elements
Price: 58.000 ,- CZK
Title: Jin Jang // Yin Yang
Author: Angelína
Dimension: 100x100 cm
Medium: Acrylic on canvas, UV elements
Price: 44.000 ,-
Title: Buddha
Author: Angelína
Dimension: 100x100 cm
Medium: Acrylic on canvas in wooden frame
Price: 58.000 ,- CZK
Title: Mystérium ženy // Mystery of Femininity
Author: Angelína
Dimension: 100x100 cm
Medium: Painting acrylic on canvas, UV element
Price: 58.000 ,- CZK
Title: Šiva Androgyn // Shiva Ardhanarishvara
Author: Angelína
Dimension: 100x100 cm
Medium: Acrylic painting on canvas, UV elements
Price: 58.000 ,- CZK
Title: Hadí žena // Snake Woman
Author: Adam Mauré
Dimension: 120x70cm
Medium: Combined technique acrylic on canvas
Price: 53.699,- CZK
Title: Meditujicí žena // Meditating Woman
Author: Adam Mauré
Dimension: 120x100 cm
Medium: Combined technique acrylic on canvas
Price: 37.900,- CZK
Title: Hlavy Fibonacciho spirála // Heads Fibonacci Spiral
Author: Adam Mauré
Dimension: 120x100 cm
Medium:Mix media - acrylic, fluorescent oil pastel, charcoal, gloss varnish
Price: 35.009,- CZK
Title: Muž studie Fibonacci // Man Study Fibonacci
Author: Adam Mauré
Dimension: 120x100 cm
Medium:Mix media - acrylic, fluorescent oil pastel, charcoal, gloss varnish
Price: 37.000,- CZK
Title: Žena (Zahrála si ve videoklipu ,,všechno nebo noc" ) // Woman (You could see it in the music video "All or Nothing")
Author: Adam Mauré
Dimension: 150x100cm
Medium: Mix media - acrylic, fluorescent oil pastel, charcoal, gloss varnish
Price: 69.693,- CZK
Title: Aktivace kundalíny energie // Activation of kundalini energy
Author: Adam Mauré
Dimension: 120x100cm
Medium: Mixed media - acrylic on canvas
Price: 44.444,- CZK
Title: Yonižiarič: Mária Magdaléna // Mary Magdalene
Author: Veronika Fodorova
Dimension: 100x70 cm in frame with protective foil
Techniques: Original print on canvas with hand-painted finishes. Signed.
High quality Fine Art printing - museum quality printing on cotton paper.
Price: 2.200,- EUR
Title: Srdce v rozkvete - bílá // Heart in Bloom - White
Author: Veronika Fodorova
Dimension: 40x50 in frame 52x72 cm with protective foil
Technique: Original print on canvas with hand-painted finishes. Signed.
High quality Fine Art printing - museum quality printing on cotton paper.
Price: 400,- EUR
Title: Srdce v rozkvete - zelená // Heart in Bloom - Green
Author: Veronika Fodorova
Dimension: 40x50 in frame 52x72 cm with protective foil
Technique: Original print on canvas with hand-painted finishes. Signed.
High quality Fine Art printing - museum quality printing on cotton paper.
Price: 400,- EUR
Title: Budha Klimt // Buddha Klimt
Author: Veronika Fodorova
Dimension: 50x70cm in a frame 100x70 cm with protective foil
Technique: Original print on canvas with hand-painted finishes. Signed.
High quality Fine Art printing - museum quality printing on cotton paper.
Price: 1 200,- EUR
Title: Budha Kvet // Budha Kvet // Buddha Flower
Author: Veronika Fodorova
Dimension: 50x70 cm in a frame 100x70 cm with protective foil
Medium: Original print on canvas with hand-painted finishes. Signed.
High quality Fine Art printing - museum quality printing on cotton paper.
Price: 1 200,- EUR
Title: Plodnost // Fertility
Author: Zuzana Krulová
Dimension: 70x70 cm
Medium: Original print on canvas with hand-painted finishes.
Price: 9.600,- Kč
Title: Znovuzrození // Rebirth
Author: Zuzana Krulová
Dimension: 100x100 cm
Medium: Original print on canvas with hand-painted finishes.
Price: 14.000,- Kč
Title: Nekonečno // Infinity
Author: Zuzana Krulová
Dimension: 105x70 cm
Medium: Original print on canvas with hand-painted finishes.
Price: 11.800,- Kč
Title: Alliance with truth /I would rather be a devil in alliance with truth, than an angel in alliance with falsehood. Ludwig Feuerbach/
Author: Tereza Janíková Gondková
Dimension: 80×130 cm
Medium: Acrylics, dry pastels, oil pastels, pencil, raw canvas
Price: 20.500 Kč
Title: Stormy Clouds
Author: Michaela Gloria
Dimension: 120x50 cm
Medium: Acrylic and sand on canvas
Price: 12.000,- Kč
Title: Together Alone
Author: Michaela Gloria
Dimension: Diptych 2x 50x80 cm
Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Price: 12.000,- Kč
Title: Winter Landscape
Author: Michaela Gloria
Dimension: 80x80cm
Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Price: 10.000,- Kč
Title: Purple Land
Author: Michaela Gloria
Dimension: 100x50 cm
Medium: Acrylic on canvas
Price: 7.000,- Kč
Název: Certain darkness /Certain darkness is needed to see the stars. OSHO/
Autorka: Tereza Janíková Gondková
Rozměr: 100×160 cm
Technika: Acrylics, oil pastels, raw canvas
Cena: 26.302 Kč
Název: Dance is the deepest meditation possible
Autorka: Tereza Janíková Gondková
Rozměr: 100×160 cm
Technika: Acrylics on primed canvas
Cena: 26.302 Kč
Název: Disturbing
Autorka: Tereza Janíková Gondková
Rozměr: 170×120 cm
Technika: Acrylis and dry pastels on raw canvas
Cena: 33.530 Kč
Název: Creative people need some time to sit and do nothing
Autorka: Tereza Janíková Gondková
Rozměr: 290x140 cm
Technika: Acrylic and dry pastels on raw canvas
Cena: 78.000 Kč
Název: Go home and love your family /If you want to change the world, go home and love your family/
Autorka: Tereza Janíková Gondková
Rozměr: 110×140 cm
Technika: Acrylic, oil pastels, raw canvas
Cena: 25.300 Kč
Název: Wild & Wise
Autorka: Tereza Janíková Gondková
Rozměr: 100 x 140 cm
Technika: Acrylics and dry pastels
Cena: 23.888 Kč
Název: Gratitude /“Wear gratitude like a cloak and it will feed every corner of your life. RUMI”/
Autorka: Tereza Janíková Gondková
Rozměr: 80 x 140 cm
Technika: Acrylics and dry pastels
Cena: 20.500 Kč
Název: Purpose and Meaning /“The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away. Pablo Picasso”/
Autorka: Tereza Janíková Gondková
Rozměr: 100x140 cm
Technika: Acrylics and dry pastels
Cena: 23.888 Kč
Název:The coincidences don’t exist /The rarest of all human qualities is consistency./
Autorka: Tereza Janíková Gondková
Rozměr: 240×130 cm
Technika: Acrylic, dry pastels, oil pastels, primed canvas
Cena: 74.000 Kč
Název: They were seen dancing /And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. Friedrich Nietzsche/
Autorka: Tereza Janíková Gondková
Rozměr: 260x140 cm
Technika: Acrylics, oil pastels, primed canvas
Cena: 68.830 Kč
Název: Time wasted /Time you enjoy wasting was not wasted. Bertrand Russel/
Autorka: Tereza Janíková Gondková
Rozměr: 80x140 cm
Technika: Acrylics, oil pastels, putty
Cena: 20.500 Kč