You want a taste or a full dose? 

You want a taste or a full dose? 

Everything you need to know about Healing Festival tickets

We often hear the story of people who have been following the Healing Festival for several years before finally deciding to attend. A common reason for their hesitation is the question – to go to the whole festival or just one day? If you’re asking yourself the same question, we’ve got a full list of tickets, accommodation and parking to make your decision as easy as possible. When we launch the pre-sale, you’ll know exactly which tickets to click on so your purchase will be easy and enjoyable…

Types of tickets

Healing Festival offers two basic ticket options: five-day passes and one-day passes:

  • A five-day ticket includes entry to the entire festival from Wednesday to Sunday, including all the programming – workshops, ceremonies, retreats, concerts and DJ sets, and much more.
  • The one-day ticket is flexible – you can purchase it in advance, but choose a specific day after the detailed programme is published. Which day it is is up to you, each day is worthwhile. You can even combine single day tickets and come for two or three days, for example, depending on your availability and interest.

Accommodation in the area

Tickets for the Healing Festival do not include accommodation, but there are several ways to arrange your stay on site:

  • Your own tent – small and large tent pitches are available.
  • Ready-to-sleep tent – set up and ready to use, just bring your sleeping bag.
  • Glamping tent – fully equipped tent for five people with mattress, blanket and pillow.
  • Motorhomes – RV parking available with appropriate camping fee.
  • If you’re one of those who prefer to sleep off-site, you can certainly take advantage of the nearby hotels, lodges and guesthouses. After all, even from Prague it is quite close to Světlá nad Sázavou. 

Parking and transport

Parking is available on site for both five-day and one-day options. We also recommend using public transport – the train station in Světlá nad Sázavou is a short walk away.

How to decide?

If you just want a taste of the festival, a feel of the atmosphere, a specific workshop or you don’t have time for the whole duration, we recommend a one-day ticket. If you want to go in depth, go through a transformational journey and take away as much as possible in your life, the five-day option is worth considering. The program is structured in such a way that the first day allows for acclimatization and relaxation, then gradually the program deepens and graduates to the final integration. The individual days have a similar dynamic from morning to evening, so even with a one-day ticket your experience will be worth it.

Whichever option you choose, we look forward to seeing you!

Our wish for you is that you take away what you need from the Healing Festival and create a fulfilled, rich and happy life as a result. However you choose to spend a day, a weekend, or the whole time at Healing Festival, we look forward to seeing you and wish you to enjoy it to the fullest.

Healing Festival will bring you exactly what you need at that moment. We wish you an unforgettable experience and a joyful journey to yourself.

V magazínu sdílí své znalosti a zkušenosti ti, kteří s námi tvoří Healing Festival.

Ponoř se do jejich příběhů a myšlenek a zažij festival na vlastní kůži.

Buď o krok napřed a zajisti si svou vstupenku před ostatními! Zapiš se na waiting list a získej speciální link den před spuštěním II. vlny předprodeje! 🎫

Nejbližší předprodej vstupenek na Healing festival spouštíme 26. dubna!

Buď o krok napřed a zajisti si svou vstupenku před ostatními! Zapiš se na waiting list a získej speciální link den před spuštěním II. vlny předprodeje! 🎫

Nejbližší předprodej vstupenek na Healing festival spouštíme 26. dubna!

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Buď o krok napřed a zajisti si svou vstupenku před ostatními! Zapiš se na waiting list a získej speciální link den před spuštěním II. vlny předprodeje! 🎫

Bijay J Anand Kundalini yoga Healing Festival


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