Price vs. Value: how is it really?

Price vs. Value: how is it really?

We sometimes encounter opinions that a ticket to the Healing Festival is too expensive. Most often, these opinions come from people who have never visited the festival and don’t know the true nature of the festival. We approach ticket pricing responsibly and sensitively because we want to make an event that is affordable and brings long-term value to the lives of attendees. So we decided to explain what’s behind the price of the Healing Festival and why its value is much higher than it may seem at first glance.

What do you get for the price of a ticket?

The Healing Festival is not just an ordinary event. We strive to create an environment of the highest quality – from the carefully selected venue, to the extensive programme, to the top-notch facilities and support services. Our goal is for every participant to enjoy their stay to the fullest, to relax, recharge and return home with a profound experience, inspiration and a personal shift.

With a wide variety of lectures, workshops, musical performances, and spiritual and scientifically based methods, we offer a unique opportunity for growth. Many of our guests are world-renowned mentors, coaches, healers, shamans or musicians whose individual workshops often cost more than an entire ticket to the Healing Festival.

Comparison with other events

Sometimes people compare the price of a five-day Healing Festival ticket with other events that may seem cheaper. However, often shorter events, for example only three days, with a less extensive programme and in a lower quality setting are available for a similar price. In addition, similar events abroad are much – up to several times – more expensive and those interested would have to incur significant additional travel costs.

Also, sometimes people only judge the price „on the spot“ without considering the prices of previous waves of pre-sales. Sometimes we also hear comparisons with promotions that are completely free. We wish all organisers the best and trust that everyone will find what suits them in the range of events on offer and at a price they are willing to accept. 

Our ambition is not to make the cheapest festival, but an event at a price that is affordable, accessible and matches the quality. We are grateful that visitors perceive and confirm this with their feedback, thank you.

Support and accessibility for everyone

We understand that not everyone can afford the standard ticket price. That’s why we support a select group of people each year – whether they are people with life or health disabilities, or those who work in helping and important professions. We offer them significant discounts or even free entry. In this way, we try to give back to society the support that our visitors show us.

Why does the price change over time?

Many people wonder why admission is more expensive at the door than at the presale. This is because of our long-term strategy to encourage attendees to make an early decision, which allows us to prepare and improve the festival throughout the year. The first limited edition tickets are the lowest priced, while the price increases gradually at later stages. This model allows those who feel the call of the Healing Festival to purchase tickets at an affordable price early.

The real value of the Healing Festival

We are very grateful that each year our visitors give us clear feedback – that the price of admission is more than friendly compared to what Healing Festival delivers. Many of them return year after year because they know that the Healing Festival will bring deep awareness, new energy and inspiration for a more fulfilling and joyful life…

V magazínu sdílí své znalosti a zkušenosti ti, kteří s námi tvoří Healing Festival.

Ponoř se do jejich příběhů a myšlenek a zažij festival na vlastní kůži.

Buď o krok napřed a zajisti si svou vstupenku před ostatními! Zapiš se na waiting list a získej speciální link den před spuštěním II. vlny předprodeje! 🎫

Nejbližší předprodej vstupenek na Healing festival spouštíme 26. dubna!

Buď o krok napřed a zajisti si svou vstupenku před ostatními! Zapiš se na waiting list a získej speciální link den před spuštěním II. vlny předprodeje! 🎫

Nejbližší předprodej vstupenek na Healing festival spouštíme 26. dubna!

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Buď o krok napřed a zajisti si svou vstupenku před ostatními! Zapiš se na waiting list a získej speciální link den před spuštěním II. vlny předprodeje! 🎫

Bijay J Anand Kundalini yoga Healing Festival


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