Channeling Your Own Healing

How can I learn to Channel?

Our intention is healing and taking back our role as co-creators. The universe responds to our intentions. Your healing journey and how it manifests will depend on your information and your intention. Remember, what you put your attention on in your life will grow. So put it on healing and empowering yourself. Colleagues and clients have been asking me for years if I could teach what I do. I thought, how can I teach people to channel? It wasn’t from a specific course or book. It had been through my own path of healing that I found myself channeling healing energies and information for others. I thought I could teach them the knowledge and practices I have learned, but to actually channel? Close your eyes, wait, listen? But then, I saw a master class on Demystifying Channeling. They said channeling is an innate capability and that it is very common! The class was given by the chief scientist of the ION Institute in the USA. She herself is a channeler. They are doing surveys and studies on channeling. They tested 900 people, and 85% had had experiences of some kind of channeling. That is 8 out of 10 people.

Their description of channeling: It is the process of receiving information beyond our conventional notion of time and space. What they can’t prove is the source of the information. Only theories such as our higher selves, the unconscious mind, Akashic records, Angels, Ascended masters, even our deceased loved ones. I believe it is all of the above.

My name is Karen Sommers. My personal story is mine, but it is universal. It is the path of miracles. Converting fear to love. I was six when I first thought there was something greatly wrong about my culture’s concept of health and healing. This is when my journey began as a healer. My father is of Greek origin, and every Greek Easter was a big deal. I always received lots of chocolate from my godparents. Well, this year, my parents were separating, and I was having terrible stomach aches. My mother took me to the doctor, and he blamed the chocolate. What was happening was that I literally could not stomach what was happening, and I knew it. I thought, this man does not know what he is talking about! Fast forward to 16 years old, I was still getting the stomach aches and also had symptoms of being anorexic. My mother took me to the doctor again. The doctor this time said it was normal for me to eat an apple and some peanuts for lunch each day and would schedule a test for a stomach ulcer in 3 months. I thought again that they do not know what they are talking about and cannot help me. I must help myself. That I did. I had my last stomach ache at 17 years old, taking a deep breath in and out overlooking a beach in Greece. It wasn’t until I was 22 years old and discovered Chinese Medicine that I finally began to really heal because my emotions were taken into consideration and healing my emotions was part of the healing process.

That was over 30 years ago, and my journey as a healer has always been focused on healing the emotions to be able to heal the physical. My journey has taken me deeper into why we respond with certain emotions to certain situations. After Chinese Medicine, I learned different therapies and techniques, always with the intention of finding and healing the root cause. That is how I began channeling. When I am channeling, I am healing and receiving messages about these root causes. I have the ability to see the effects of existing imbalances on the physical, emotional, and spiritual realms within a person’s energy system. I also realized these unhealed emotions or traumas were stopping us from creating the lives we desired. They are literally unlearned lessons we carry from childhood experiences, ancestral wounds, and past life experiences that we then constantly relive as traumas or suffering.

The Lessons We Are Learning or Unlearning

The lessons we are learning or unlearning involve the erroneous perception that we aren’t loved. These erroneous perceptions come from what you experienced in your childhood: how people, your parents in particular, treated you and how they treated one another. You created perceptions about what love is, how women are loved, how men are loved, and how they love one another. Most importantly, how you were treated will create the belief system of how life treats you. How you will be seen and heard. Will your needs be met? Will your dreams come true? You see, a child always takes their parents‘ actions personally because their parents represent God.

They aren’t able to think, „My dad had a stressful day and inherited his angry reaction to stress from his father or from childhood wounds of not feeling worthy of respect, and that is why he is yelling at me.“ Children think they deserve to be treated this way. We create a negative belief system about ourselves, which we already inherited energetically from our ancestors and have similar information from past life experiences. Then we attract the same experiences again and again, feeling unworthy of being treated with love. Until we heal this perception and learn not to take other people’s actions personally, especially our parents. It is important to acknowledge that we chose our parents. They and their family lineage had the perfect information you needed to resolve and heal from past lives. We can’t see ourselves as co-creators if we see ourselves as victims to our parents, families, or anyone else! We attract people and situations that have the same vibration or information.


I have seen again and again how people repeat lessons from past lives through the negative belief systems they have formed. Karma isn’t „You hurt me, now I will come back and hurt you.“ It is the repeating of an experience in all its dimensions until we heal our perception and bring it back to love. Until we do this, we continue in the wheel of suffering. For example, you are born a woman in a culture where you are not treated with love and respect by men. You feel like a victim and like you have no self-worth because you are a woman and your worth depends on a man. You come back as a man in the next life who treats women with a lack of love and respect. Because of your own low self-worth, you don’t feel valued. You need to learn to value yourself, not to base it on how other people treat you, and then you heal the belief that you are a victim. Remember, what you put your attention on in your life will grow. So put it on healing and empowering yourself.


I recommend and teach different techniques I have learned on my healing journey that have opened me up to channeling at the level I do now, such as Tapping, Ho’oponopono, Mindscape, Automatic Writing, Meditation, The Course in Miracles, Biocodification. I recommend a daily meditation or concentration practice. We are listening, not emptying our minds. We need to be able to be in the present moment; if not, we will be thinking about what to eat for lunch instead. You can set an intention each day to check in internally. You are asking to bring clarity and love to a situation. Practice daily. You can begin an automatic writing practice by asking, „What does my higher self want me to know today?“ and let the words come one by one. Leave it for around 20 minutes, then go back and read what you wrote. You will be surprised! We are also waiting for sensations in our bodies. Where is our attention drawn to? Tapping is a wonderful way to find the emotions and memories in your body and eventually in your energy system. When I first learned Tapping, they said to do it each day for removing the negative emotions, like you would pull weeds from your garden. We work in layers, trusting the body and soul’s innate wisdom. Did I mention practice every day? Or at least several times a week. Enjoy it. By committing to listening to yourself each day, it raises your vibration. It is an act of self-love. You are making yourself and how you feel important.

Channeling Checklist:

  • It should always be approached in a respectful manner.
  • Believe you can! Always do a prayer of protection. I recommend inviting in Archangel Michael.
  • Create a sacred atmosphere.
  • Open a sacred space.
  • Set the intention to connect with your Higher Self and angels.
  • Do not attempt to channel while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Put an intention to heal and to gain wisdom and insight, for yourself or others.
  • Your guides are not in charge of you. Be mindful of the temptation to give your power over to the messages you receive or ignore your emotions or feelings.
  • Only act on spiritual guidance when you feel ready or supported to do so. Take action that is grounded in reality.
  • You can have negative emotions but never negative self-talk or criticism.
  • If this happens, it means you are listening to your ego.
  • You are in charge. If it feels overwhelming or negative, take a break. You might need time to process.
  • Remember, this isn’t about telling the future; it’s about raising your consciousness.

The Benefits of Channeling

  • It allows us to tap into information we don’t usually have access to.
  • It brings loving kindness to yourself.
  • It is your own personal journey. It has a positive effect on you, your life, and your personal relationships.
  • You are being guided and cared for by a higher loving source.
  • It makes decision-making easier in these times of excess information. It leads you to make life-changing decisions with ease. You learn to believe in your own inner voice, and this increases your self-confidence. You become IN-dependent instead of looking for outside opinions and advice. You see yourself as a co-creator and not a victim.

I received a message for a person who felt like she was a leaf being blown about in the wind, with no control over her life. Her guides told me to remind her: „In these moments, remember that you are not only the leaf but also the wind!'“

Much love and Light ,
Karen Sommers


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